Leading Home Renovation Contractor
Leading Home Renovation Contractor

Leading Home Renovation Contractor
years of development

A leading home renovation contractor, specializing in bathroom remodeling, sought to develop a web application that would simplify and detail the cost calculation process for bathroom renovations. The goal was to create a tool that could provide homeowners with accurate, customized estimates for their renovation projects, enhancing both the planning process and customer satisfaction.
The client required an intuitive interface that would allow users to input specific renovation parameters and receive accurate cost estimates. The project needed to be completed within a tight deadline to align with the client’s business goals and seasonal demand for renovation services. Additionally, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the cost calculation algorithm was critical to maintain the company’s reputation for excellence.
Our team collaborated closely with the client’s team to design and develop a Minimum Viable Product (MVP). We started by creating detailed UI wireframes that focused on ease of use and customization.
The development of the RenoApp web application process involved creating a sophisticated cost calculation algorithm that could handle various inputs and deliver precise estimates. Our team ensured that the web application was scalable, allowing for future enhancements and the addition of new features.
The successful development of the App MVP allowed the client to offer a valuable tool to their customers, enabling them to plan their bathroom renovations with greater confidence and accuracy.